Monday, 5 September 2011


Cherro Riboflavin B2 is an essential co-enzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Cherro Riboflavin is necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system and also beneficial to the nails, hair, skin, and connective tissues.

Cherro Riboflavin is needed to process amino acids and fats. It also activates Vitamin B6 and folio acid, and helps convert carbohydrates into ATP. Cherro Riboflavin also acts as an antioxidant.

Cherro Riboflavin vitamin B2 Injection is essential for eye health and has been helpful in treating eye fatigue and cataracts. Vitamin B2 has also been used in the treatment of anemia, acne rosacea, stress, depression and mental disorders, arteriosclerosis, hair loss, hypoglycemia and obesity.

Weight Loss Benefits of Cherro Riboflavin Vitamin B2
Vitamins B2, B3 and B6 are needed for normal thyroid operation. A deficiency in any of these B Vitamins will affect thyroid function and metabolism, leading to possible overweight and obesity problems Vitamin B2 riboflavin is necessary for vitamin B6 pyridoxine to function, supports the adrenal glands, assists red blood cell formation, antibody production, vitamin B3 niacin formation, cell growth and respiration. Because riboflavin improves mitochondrial energy efficiency, it promote better fat metabolism and decreases fat storage.

Other Benefits of Vitamin B2
Regulates energy levels. Promotes repair and proper growth of tissue Promotes growth and reproductive function Good for skin, nails and eyes. Wards off sore mouth, lips and tongue Alleviates eye-fatigue, promotes good vision. Protects against anemia Protects against cancer.


Lipostabil® is a brand name of a compounded drug that is injected into localized fat deposits around the body with the intent to dissolve and release them. Lipostabil procedure itself is usually called Lipo-dissolve and is offered by weight loss and cosmetic surgery clinics. Lipostabil procedure is intended to be less invasive and painful than liposuction, where fat deposits are physically pulled out of the body through incisions. The fat deposits dissolve over the course of several treatments. It is thought that the dissolved fat is excreted with feces and urine, but there appears to be no clinical proof of how the procedure works and what happens to the fat.
Lipostabil injections have become an increasingly popular means to remove excess fat. The procedure goes by many names (e.g., Lipodissolve, Flab-Jab, Lipojection, Lipotherapy, etc.) and involves the injection of mixtures of various chemicals into the fat through multiple microinjections administered over multiple treatment sessions. The desired end result is the gradual removal of localized fat deposits. Lipo-dissolve injections are generally not regarded by medical professionals to be as potent as liposuction, a powerful yet invasive surgical procedure in which multiple liters of fat are 'sucked' from patients in a single session. Lipo-dissolve therapy typically requires that dozens of small 'fat burning' injections of compounded phosphatidylcholine/deoxycholate (PCDC) be injected into fat and connective tissue over several sessions. These drugs are not FDA-approved.

What are the compounds/ingredients in lipostabil injectable solution?

The main compound used in Lipostabil is phosphatidylcholine (PPC), a compound derived from soy that is a component of cell membranes in many organisms, including humans. Deoxycholate (DC), a naturally occurring bile salt produced by the liver, is also used in the formulation to solubilize phosphatidylcholine, thus keeping it in solution. Together, phosphatidylcholine are commonly abbreviated as PCDC, however without a specific FDA-approved formulation for the injected solution, the ratio of the two compounds in a given formulation may be substantially different depending on the provider. Some providers also add small amounts of other medications, vitamins, and herbs. PCDC injections have not been approved by FDA for ANY indication and neither phosphatidylcholine nor deoxycholate are active ingredients in ANY FDA-approved drug.

Where do providers get the PCDC for lipostabil injections?

The PCDC drug is obtained from compounding pharmacies, which traditionally make small quantities of unique drugs for specialized treatments (e.g., special versions of drugs for patients with allergic reactions). According to experts who discussed this issue with the Washington Post, in many situations involving compounded drugs, quality control and sterility can often be "spotty or nonexistent."

What is the standard lipostabil procedure?

There is no standard process/procedure that has been studied in controlled clinical trials or to the satisfaction of the FDA. Therefore, the procedure will differ depending on the provider. FDA-approved drugs have a standardized drug formula and method of administration. With lipo-dissolve, individual providers determine dosing and technique. The lipo-dissolve procedure "typically" involves an average of 2-4 treatment sessions spaced 4-8 weeks apart. According to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, the maximum safe dose of PC is 100 mL per session with approximately 0.4 mL delivered with every micro-injection. However, because studies have not concluded a standard protocol outlining specific number of sessions, number of microinjections per session, and amount of PC needed for results, this average may vary greatly.

How lipostabil cleared from the body?

There is no scientific support for theories about how the drug is cleared from the body. It is unclear exactly how the body metabolizes and excretes the drug and the broken down fat cells. The injected chemicals are believed to trigger an inflammatory response as the fat cells are broken down and are thought to be excreted in the urine and feces. Without pharmacologic studies (those that study the compound's mechanism of action and are required for FDA-approved drugs), these theories cannot be confirmed.

How long has lipostabil procedure been around? How many times has lipostabil injection been performed?

Cosmetic use of phosphatidylcholine injections was introduced at the First International Meeting of Mesotherapy in 1988 by Italian Physician Sergio Maggiori. The formulation began being used for fat removal in Brazil in the 1990's yet was later banned by ANVISA (Brazilian National Agency of Health Inspection). The procedure has only more recently been introduced in the U.S., and the American Society of Non-surgical Aesthetics estimates that 50,000 to 100,000 lipo-dissolve treatments have been performed in the USA and Europe. Despite the numbers of treatments performed, the drug's safety and efficacy cannot be confirmed without controlled clinical trials as required by the FDA.

I keep hearing different terms for the treatment (e.g., lipo-dissolve, advanced lipo-dissolve, lipotherapy, injection lipolysis, flabjab, mesotherapy slimming, etc.), are they all the same thing?

The treatments are similar in that each typically involves the injection of an unapproved PCDC formulation.

What areas can be treated with injections?

Currently, people use PCDC in a variety of areas (chin, abdomen, thighs). However, no well-controlled studies have examined where in the body the drug may or may not work. There is no FDA-approval for this drug for any part of the body.

Does the phosphatidylcholine affect other cells in the body besides fat cells?

It is unknown whether the drug affects other cells in the body (such as muscle or nerve cells). While a "theory" has been proposed for the method by which phosphatidylcholine destroys fat cells, the scientific mechanism still is not well understood.7

Are lipostabil injections a proper treatment for weight loss?

Without FDA-approval, this answer is unknown. But according to lipo-dissolve providers, the answer is no. Lipo-dissolve is not a viable means to lose weight. The ideal candidate is at a healthy weight but possesses localized fat deposits that cannot be reduced by exercise and diet. Lipo-dissolve may be successful in reducing inches but may not show any reduction in actual weight.

1 comment:

  1. It also boosts collagen and elastin production, giving your skin a slimmer appearance. Unlike other lipolysis devices, Client Instructions | LipoMelt Pro doesn't cause side effects.
